FedEx Owner Operator Requirements
Prospective FedEx Owner Operators must complete certain documentation required for becoming a FedEx Contractor.
Prospective route owners can supply American Business Brokers with these required documents, we will then submit your documentation, on your behalf, to the authorized FedEx station manager during the process of qualifying the sale.
American Business Brokers of Southwest Florida Inc. is not endorsed by Federal Express Corporation or FedEx Ground.
American Business Brokers of Southwest Florida Inc. is an independent business, solely involved in the brokering of FedEx Ground routes for sale by third parties, and not is not sponsored by, or associated with, Federal Express Corporation or FedEx Ground.
FedEx has a standard set of Owner-Operator Requirements, including certain documentation. These may include some or all of the following:
- CR-030 (available at
- RFI (available upon request) must be submitted with document CR-030
- Buyer’s Articles of Incorporation
- Buyer’s Company Information page taken from E-verify acct, successfully completed associated test and listed as “With FAR”
- Completed W-9
- Copies of buyer’s Good Standing Certificate from state of incorporation, including all states in which routes are owned and operated by buyer
- Copy of Certificate of Compliance (available upon request)
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FedEx Owner Operator Requirements / American Business Brokers